Stefan Kraft the best on day 1 in Lahti

Austria’s Stefan Kraft won the first of three FIS Ski Jumping World Cup in Lahti this weekend. In perfect conditions and wintery term-erasures of -8°C, he finished ahead of Karl Geiger of Germany and Norway’s Daniel Andre Tande.

26-year-old Kraft posted two jumps of 129.5 m and claimed his 21st World Cup win, the fifth this season. Stefan Kraft had a lead of five points over Karl Geiger. Geiger has shown a great performance, but once again he was not able to beat the outstanding Stefan Kraft.

Kraft explained: «It was a perfect day, I already had a wonderful start with the first training jump. I really like this place and this hill. I have very good memories of Lahti and I’m having fun here. The hill is special, it’s different from the others with a tricky inrun. Our entire team likes this hill, but I think that four or five teams can fight for the top tomorrow.»

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