FIS Solidarity Snowboard training camp takes place in Serbia

The second edition of a Snowboard training camp for youngsters from Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina took place in Kopaonik (SRB) from February 25th to March 1st. In total, 23 athletes and coaches took part in the five-day camp including participants from the first edition of the camp last year and newcomers.

Due to the difficult snow situation and the spread of the Corona virus, the location and dates of the event were  changed multiple times and ultimately ended up at the Serbian resort of Kopaonik in late February.

The programme  was also adapted and included more training sessions on snow and even a short “introduction to powder” session. There were also workshops dedicated to caring for the equipment, nutrition, workouts, time management and social media.

The camp’s two main objectives focused on young athletes and young coaches. For the young athletes, learning the basics about snowboarding techniques, maintaining their gear and warming up and stretching properly after exercise were essential goals. They also learned about the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

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