When it came time to upgrade the Alexx®, Daryl Wilson wanted to be sensitive
to where research and development had brought Wilson Audio® over the
past five years. The decision was made that a fresh look at the Alexx was in
order, so Wilson Audio’s R&D team approached the Alexx V as it if were an
all-new loudspeaker. They took elements that clearly worked in the original
design and began to apply the myriad of technologies generated by Wilson’s
R&D since the advent of the Alexx. Following major launches of the WAMM
Master Chronosonic®, Chronosonic XVX®, Sasha DAW®, and SabrinaX®, Alexx
V joins a very special family of ground-breaking loudspeakers designed and
handcrafted especially for music lovers and audiophiles alike.
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