Digital Diplomacy on line course 3 – 30 May 2021

Developed and delivered by some of the world’s leading experts who will share their expertise and experiences with participants in an engaging platform, the Course follows the latest trends for diplomatic education and aims to train the next generation of diplomatic leaders to succeed in a 21st Century diplomatic environment.

Curriculum and Module Leaders

Global Diplomatic Forum and the Modules ‘ Leaders has identified the following four areas as the ones requiring immediate attention from the Diplomatic Community, nonetheless the curriculum is by no means definitive as it is designed to be flexible and agile in order to adapt to ever-changing challenges posed by the developments within the sphere of ICT:
Digital and Cyber Diplomacy
Artificial Intelligence
The Shifting World Order in Digital Age

Module Leaders : World Leading Experts

Dr. Jennifer Cassidy : Lecturer of Diplomatic Studies at Oxford University
Dr. Corneliu Bjola : Associate Professor and Head of the Oxford Digital Diplomacy Research Group at Oxford University. Author of Diplomacy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Prof Dr Paul Timmers, Research Associate at the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford
Dr. Maha Hosain Aziz: MA in IR Professor of International Relations at New York University; Risk Expert at World Economic Forum; Author of Future World Order (2020) and sequel A Global Spring (2021)
Each Module will have a guest lecture delivered by a leading practitioner in the fields of diplomacy

To apply your should submit a statement highlighting a brief biog of your career and how this course will contribute to the advancement of your career. You should submit the statement by email:

You can submit your application online via this link
Telephone: (44) 208 853 3293

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